Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What the Weird!!!!!

So the day Started out not so good!!! So when i got to work i decided to pray again!!! Then as i am walking into work who stops and talks to me???? That is right the boy!!!!!!!!! WHY???? He looked different a good different!! He asked about me not what he would do before!!!!! It was really weird! I don't know why i started to shake and get nervous and why would my heart beat hard for the guy who broke my heart!!!! Well what the weird!!! I don't know why i didn't tell him about the mission stuff and going through the temple!?!?! I tell everyone why not him?? I did invite him to institute but he did not come!! A little part of me wanted him to come!! I wish he would just call me and tell me why he followed me into work!!! I want to talk to him about this!! why did i delete his number??? UGH!!!!!


Dana Cheryl said...

Hang in there girl! I think there should be a mandatory policy where we girls have to keep phone numbers til we get closure!!

steph k said...

guys are soooooo weird...